november 27, 2020

Excellent grades for webinars about marine equipment and wipers

In november, ROCA Industry arranged two webinars for customers and all those who are interested about marine equipment and wipers. The participants gave us thumbs up and now you can watch the webinars when it suits you the best!

The goal of the first webinar – Trends in marine equipment and how ROCA stays ahead – is to present what will be hot on the seas in 2021 and beyond – and what will not. We talk about phenomenas like electric powered boats and social distancing. Because of the relevance in these unprecedented times, 45 percent of the participants said that we during the 30 minutes presented “very good” content! And the rest (55 percent) gave us the grade “good”.

Check out Trends i marine equiment and how ROCA stays ahead on demand via this link or by clicking on the button below. Just register with your email!

Register for webinar about trends in marine equiment  


Even better grades for webinar number two

The second webinar – 5 criteria for choosing the right wiper solution – is all about empowering you as a customer and helping you to make the right purchasing decision. By knowing what to watch out for you know how to evaluate suppliers and products. Because of the contents and the webinar’s interactivity with polls and chats, the event was very appreciated – 50 percent of the participants gave us the grade “very good” (the rest wrote “good”)!

Register for on demand-version here or access the registration page by clicking the button below.

Register for webinar about criteria for choosing right wiper solution


ROCA will launch new webinars in the upcoming months, so check your inbox for updates and invitations!



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